
OOTD: Embroidered Blooms

I know, I know…

I can’t help it! Once the weather starts to show even a slight hint of spring I’m all over floral anything like a rash. That’s not to say I don’t wear them during the rest of the year, because as I have to keep reminding myself, I don’t live by fashion rules (what fashion rules, am I right?!)

But if there’s anything that’ll get me out of my SAD funk (that’s Seasonal Affective Disorder) then it’s blossoms floating on the breeze, the sound of bees buzzing and a pair of floral embroidered jeans.

I saw these in Kmart and instantly fell in love. In fact I was torn between these jeans and an embroidered denim jacket but went for the jeans as I already own three denim jackets and thought it may be too much (what do you think?).

My sister commented that they reminded her of jeans she had as a kid in the 70s, but I was never so lucky! Alas all I had were some terrible interpretation of acid wash (not even the real deal AND if I remember correctly they were pin striped!). Yes, I love being a child of the 80s but even I can see that some of the shit we wore was just plain WRONG!

So as cliché as it may be I’m embracing my floral embroidered jeans with both hands! I’m hoping the little details inject some much needed colour into my winter blues.

Jeans: Kmart // Shirt: H&M // Scarf: Drunk on Water // Boots: Nine West


Categories: Fashion

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12 replies »

  1. You know what I love the most about your outfits? The way you’re not scared of colour. I avoided it for so long but it just makes you look so much more cheerful and flatters your skin and hair so nicely, you definitely convinced me not to be scared of it!

  2. Im obsessed with your booties. And I love your outfit. That gif is soo funny. 😂 I love the embroidery jeans, they are just so much more expensive than ordinary jeans😐

Now it's your turn...let me know what you think. I love reading your comments! :)