
Lately… December (& 2017)

Well well well, here we are once again, at the end of another month AND the end of another year. I think it’s only natural that at this time of year we sit back and reflect on the year we just had. Whether it was good, bad or ugly I like to think that I’ve grown somehow or learnt at least one lesson throughout the past 365 days.

Most of the year I actually spend berating myself for not being and doing MORE. You know, be more fit, more adventurous, go out more, read more, spend more time with loved ones, blog more, meet more people. It’s only when I look back throughout the blog or my diary that I begin to realise that I actually do bloody plenty. Some would say TOO MUCH!

Like for example, this year has been absolutely chock-full of live music. I went to see two shows in December, Aussie rockers The Church and 80s electro-pop trio Human League, bringing the grand total of The Year of Live Gigs to a whopping 25 shows and 45 bands! WTF??! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many shows in one year and I don’t think it’ll be a repeat performance in 2018. Somehow I think my tight purse strings will see to that now that I’ll have a bigger mortgage *gulp*

I also spent a lot of time this month seeing the sunrise as I completed a month long fitness challenge. If you follow along on Instagram you may have seen my feed filled with me looking über sweaty as I crammed in 30 sessions in a #DigDeeperDecember challenge with my gym. It definitely was tough, what with end of year celebrations coming at me from all sides (and let’s face it we know Rosie loves a champagne or 7) so I had to resist a lot as working out with a hangover is NOT fun let me tell you.

If anything it’s taught me that once I set my mind to something I can be pretty stubborn about wanting to complete it. Actually, I’ve known this about myself for a long time but I guess I get hard on myself when I don’t complete things, as if I’m not human and am bound to fail sometimes.

And really, when I am being hard on myself all I have to do is look back at 2017 and realise that I ran two fucking hard half marathons! Not only that but I actually ran a total of approximately 537 kilometres in training. Yes, you read that right – 537 KILOMETRES in training runs in 2017, and that doesn’t include the actual half marathons themselves (if we’re including them then it’s 581 or basically half way to Sydney from Melbourne!). I couldn’t believe it when I went through and tallied all the runs, I actually checked the numbers three times to make sure.

No wonder I’ve been napping like a fiend this year.

It wouldn’t be Christmas if ABBA weren’t involved somehow now would it? (Remember this story?) I was lucky enough to score a last minute invite from a friend to see the new ABBA show that’s been touring around Melbourne at the minute and OK sure they weren’t as good as the real thing but any ABBA is good ABBA in my eyes . This year as we’re packing up our house we haven’ had any Christmas decorations up and it hasn’t felt all too festive but this show definitely got me into the holiday mood.

So upon reflection, this year has been nothing short of MORE. I’ve smashed reading goals and running goals, managed to travel to the other side of the world and meet and make more fabulous friends, I’ve also stuck to being a vegetarian which was my New Year’s resolution last year. It’s not something I banged on about on the blog because I feel it’s a personal decision that seems to get a lot of flack for some reason, but I wanted to give it a go and thought I’d only last a month, but here I am 12 months relatively meat free (aside from a few unintentional slips here and there as well as some seafood cravings) and I survived, much to my own surprise.

I know New Year’s resolutions are so faux pas right now as we don’t want to proclaim something we only forget about come mid-January but I still like to set little goals in place. I have about a handful of things I’d really love to achieve come this time next year but if I don’t well that’s no biggie. At least they’ll give me a little bit of drive and determination for the year, and that’s never a bad thing now is it?

How was your December and 2017 dollface? Happiest of New Year’s to you and here’s hoping 2018 is just as fabulous xo

9 replies »

  1. It is amazing how we can be hard on ourselves and then when we have time to reflect, we realise we have actually kicked a lot of arse! You’ve done good, lady! I hope your 2018 is amazing! My 2017 has been hard work, BUT…for the rest of my life I will always remember it as an amazing year because I finally got pregnant after trying so hard for far longer than we thought it would take. I know 2018 will be amazing too (as well as hard work) because it will be baby time!!! I am so glad life has turned around after a hard few years. Happy new year, beautiful! x

    • I often think of you Kez when I chat to girlfriends that are having a hard time falling pregnant. I am so insanely happy for you and your little family! Here’s to a joyous and wondrous 2018 for you 💋🎉

  2. I’ve been in the Abba Museum in Stockholm. I know I know, I just ooze cool.
    Have a great 2018 Rosie Rocks. Guess you’re already there now, I’ll join you in about one hour and forty five minutes.

    • HNY Andy! I hope 2018 is a great year for you and your family 🎉🥂
      P. S. I’m more than jealous that you’ve been to the ABBA museum! It’s definitely on the bucket list 🤞🏼

  3. You totally rocked it! And honestly if one thing stands out to me when I read your blog it’s the way you just get shit done, especially completing challenges and tasks. You blow me away bc I feel like I never actually finish anything!

    And go you on being vegetarian! Funny how it seems to invite so much unwanted opinions. I’m mostly vego but definitely plan on getting back to it. But it’s the seafood cravings that get me too!

    Looking forward to seeing you smash 2018! 😘

    • Thanks Ana!! I guess it’s so easy to forget all your achievements unless you sit back and take stock of the year just past. 😊😊

      Bring on an amazing 2018 for everyone 💋💋

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    Rosie and bloggers like her,

    Reach out beyond the bell curve…

    Fashionable detail

    Need not be banal,

    Artfully giving their all!

    Earrings, hair color and hats

    Aren’t easily shown in flats…

    Carefully posed

    Upper torsos

    In head shots–are more that stats!

    Forms of art approaching,

    Doing this without coaching…

    Make it a form

    Higher than norm,

    Lovely details while showing!

    –Jonathan Caswell

    Image courtesy A RED LIP AND A NUDE SHOE blog–blogger Rosie Rockets pictured

    Rosie–does this please you…I hope!

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