
Lately… November

Hey there dollface, I know I’ve been all quiet on the blogging front of late but I can guarantee you it has been anything but quiet over here in Rosie-land. I know I’ve been neglecting this little part of the interwebs but I’m pretty sure that my fabulous and loyal readers don’t mind at all. Let me get you up to speed…

First things first… I bought a house! Well, not exactly on my own but you know, same same. Yup, it has felt like a bloody long time (at least a year of scouring online and inspecting thousands tons of houses) my sister and I have finally found “the one”. We’ve been looking to upgrade from our fabulous two bedroom unit to something a little bigger and we bit the bullet.

Talk about ADULTING. This past month has been nothing but loan talk, insurances and all that other shit you’re meant to know about by the age of 37 but don’t. I’d forgotten about it all in the 10 years since we bought our place. So you can forgive me for not posting much in November as my mind has been on settlement (it’s soon ARGH!) colour schemes, pool fences (yup it has a pool!) and how to move two fat cats without any drama… anyone have any tips?

Amongst the mayhem of bidding wars and dick real estate agents I have been getting out and about… after all it had been spring racing carnival season here in Melbourne.

Firstly, a lovely ladies luncheon on Cup Day where we wined and dined and sadly failed to back any winners. Then on Thursday we frocked up and had a splendid day down at Flemington on Oaks Day where the weather treated us well and we all managed to keep it classy and leave with our dignities (and shoes) intact.

Later that evening my sister and I went to see Priscilla Presley at her speaking gig “Elvis and Me.” Look, I know she has been milking the Presley money for 40+ years but after going to Graceland, seeing Lisa-Marie in concert and visiting Elvis and Priscilla’s honeymoon house in Palm Springs earlier this year how could I NOT go and see the woman herself? Technically not a gig so I didn’t add it to the The Year of Live Gigs tally, but I did manage to see three more concerts in November, bringing the total to 23 shows.

I went to see another 80s Mania show, this time around the line-up included Cutting Crew, Paul Young, Wang Chung, Go West and the original Tay Tay – Taylor Dayne YAAAAAAAS! Then it was off to see The Tea Party for the 20th anniversary of the release of their album Transmission. Lastly I saw LIVE at the Myer Music Bowl on a spectacular Melbourne evening.

Also this month one of my oldest and dearest friends (I have to say that as he has LOADS of dirt on me) got married. It was a gorgeous movie themed wedding as both bride and groom are huge film buffs and it was so lovely catching up with old friends who I haven’t seen in forever.

Trying to be a good person can take its toll sometimes, especially when the younger nurses are a little stab happy at the blood bank.

And it would be totally remiss of me if I didn’t mention the absolutely AH-mazing weather Melbourne has been putting on lately. I can feel my mood elevating and all my feel-good endorphins are going nuts.

How was your November dollface?


10 replies »

  1. Dick Estate Agents must exist the world over. And you’ve given me another flash back to my school days-Taylor Dayne. Tell It To My Heart, wasn’t it? Can’t decide if your posts make me feel old or young again!

  2. Wow, that’s a huge month! Massive congratulations on the new house, so exciting but definitely stressful. And why are real estate agents such dicks anyway?

    Am gobsmacked at your gig tally, go you! And I have a soft spot for Priscilla, grew up on Elvis and always thought she was the prettiest young thing back in the day.

    But mostly I’m mega jealous that you have a pool. My kids are killing me with the why-can’t-we-get-a-pool guilt trip. I keep telling to move out so I can afford one. 😉

Now it's your turn...let me know what you think. I love reading your comments! :)