Little Treasures from Etsy

If you’ve never heard of Etsy I’m about to change your world! Etsy is a marketplace website focused on handmade or vintage items as well as art and craft supplies. The thing I love about Etsy is that I can find random, decently priced items that I know most people won’t […]

I feel like Dorothy…

I have been on a search for a pair of ruby red heels for about a year now and I think I’ve finally found the perfect pair! <cue trumpets> It all started when I wanted to team them with a royal blue dress for a charity ball last […]

Floral dress

The other day I was meeting a friend for a movie and made a little detour along the way to Target as I wanted to check out the new Oh My Gok range. There were a couple of blouses that caught my eye and I popped them in the memory […]

Lady in Red

There’s just something about wearing red that sparks a little je ne sais pas in people that they will go out of their way to make a compliment (or is that just me?). Red is the colour of danger, sacrifice, passion, fire, beauty, blood and anger. Maybe wearing […]